
Okra always had as its essence a major environmental concern throughout its production chain, from the purchase of raw materials to the production of packaging, going through the performance of its equipment to the recycling of the chips resulting from the production process.

Unused aluminum (trimmings) is all separated, pressed, and shipped to the recycling industries. This measure alone already contributes enormously to reduce the environmental impact with the reduction of the withdrawal of raw material from the environment.

In the training programs and development of production processes, the environmental issue is always present, both in the adoption of new industrial concepts and in actions of orientation and awareness of employees. All company solid waste (plastic, wood, paper, and cardboard) is separated and collected by specialized recycling companies.

Still in relation to conscious attitudes, Okra’s production plant is designed to allow a more natural lighting and ventilation of the surroundings, considerably reducing the use of energy and cooling systems and consequently the consumption of natural resources, which, besides contributing to the maintenance of the ecosystem, guarantees a sustainable productive cycle.

Recycling of Aluminum

Aluminum is not only durable and resistant to corrosion, besides not requiring intense maintenance, but is also a 100% recyclable material, so it is the first name remembered when it comes to recycling.

Recyclability is one of the main attributes of aluminum in economic, social, and environmental terms. The aluminum, when being recycled, does not lose its characteristics in the process of reutilization, unlike other materials, which contributes to the decrease of the amount of trash in the planet.

Why Recycle?

Aluminum recycling offers many advantages, representing a unique combination of strengths.

To transform and put the aluminum back on the market, recycling saves 95% of the electricity that would be used to produce the metal from bauxite, which would be extracted from the natural reserves, as well as providing social, economic, and sustainable development gains. The benefits of the activity can be measured by the economics of electric energy and bauxite (ore that originates the primary aluminum) and by the social aspect, based on income generation promoted by the activity and the number of families served by social projects related to recycling.

It is 100% reusable after use.

Disposable aluminum packaging is ecologically advantageous. They are 100% recyclable and can follow the cycle of recycling endlessly, retaining all its qualities.